With the Google Book Search Data API, you simply post an XML-encoded < entry> containing the book's unique volume identifier to the user's library feed. 使用GoogleBookSearchDataAPI,您只需POST一个包含图书的唯一卷标识符的XML编码到用户的图书馆提要。
A widget could be pretty much anything& a book for sale, a recipe, a blog entry, or a press release. 一个小部件可以是几乎任何内容&一本在售的书、一个菜谱、一个博客条目或一篇新闻稿。
To add a review or a label to a book, therefore, you simply need to create an XML-encoded < entry> for the book, attach the review and/ or labels to this entry, and POST the entire thing to the book's annotation URL. 因此,要向一本图书添加评论或标签,您只需为该图书创建一个XML编码的,将评论和/或标签附加到这个条目,然后将整个条目POST到概述的注释URL。
Create a new address book card entry 创建一个新的通讯录卡条目
Since the journal is the accounting record in which transactions are first recorded, it is sometimes called the book of original entry. 由于日记账是经济业务被首次记录的会计账簿,因而有时亦称其为原始分录账簿。
Click here to edit the address book entry. 单击此处可编辑通讯簿条目。
Each line in the text file will then be imported as an address book entry using the selected fields. 然后,使用选定的字段把文本文件中的每一行都作为一个通讯录条目导入。
Right now the address book is empty, so we will create a new entry 目前地址簿为空,因此我们要创建一个新条目
Assume that a machine which costs$ 10 and has a book value of$ 20 is sold for$ 3. The journal entry to record this disposal is as follows 假设一台机器原值10美元,账面净值20美元,卖了3美元。记录该资产处置的会计分录如下
You must type a name for this personal address book entry. 必须输入该个人通讯簿项目的名称。
This Address Book entry is already a member of this list. 此通讯录条目已经是此列表的成员。
Ca ot find the phone book entry. 不能找到电话本入口。
Absolutely practical, this is my guide book entry of switching power supply and see absolutely right! 绝对的实用,这是我开关电源的入门指导书,看看绝对没错!
623: the system could not find the phone book entry for this connection. 623:系统无法为这个连接找到电话簿项。
Software testing book entry to the study, presented fairly comprehensive, is the entry of good information. 软件测试入门的学习宝典,介绍相当的全面,是入门的好资料。
At the time I published my book, there was still a dual pricing system whereby foreigners paid much more than Chinese for airline and train tickets, entry to tourist sites, and the like. 在我写那本书的时候,中国还实行着双重价格制,在机票、火车票、旅游景点门票等方面,外国人要比中国人付的多得多。
To save the address to your my ups address book, select the box and name the entry. 若要将地址储存至我的ups通讯录,请选取选框并为项目命名。
The mechanisms for restricting content flow into China and for controlling domestic Internet content down to a single book entry on Amazon, for example have become sophisticated in recent years. 近年来,限制某些东西从网络流入中国和控制国内网络上的内容(比如细到浏览Amazon上的一本书)的手段越来越复杂。
An Address Book entry with this name and email address already exists. 此名称与电子邮件地址的通讯录条目已经存在。
The outlook address book is created automatically and contains the contacts in your Contacts folder that have a contact entry in the e-mail or fax boxes. “outlook通讯簿”是自动创建的,在您的“联系人”文件夹中包含有联系人,这些联系人在“电子邮件”或“传真”框中有联系项。
Since the journal is the accounting record in which transactions are first recorded, it is sometimes called the book of original entry. Bookkeeping means the recording of transactions, the recording-making phase of accounting. 论商事账簿的制作、保管义务及证据效力由于日记账是经济业务被首次记录的会计账簿,因而有时亦称其为原始分录账簿。
The name or distribution list has been deleted and is no longer a valid Address Book entry. 姓名或通讯组列表已被删除,不再是有效的通讯簿条目。
Book of information entry, modify, delete function. 图书信息的录入、修改、删除功能。
Now regulators are reviewing the rule book to ease the entry of strategic investors. 目前,监管机构正在审查相关规定,以降低战略投资者的准入门槛。
The fifth part explains that the application of subject setting up and book-entry of Green Accounting. 第五部分阐述的是有关绿色会计复式记账的科目设置和实务应用。
Discussion on Methods of Managing Book Works in Enterprises after WTO Entry 试论加入WTO后企业图书工作的管理办法
The new Model of the Book entry Treasury bill& the Bank's Counter Deal 论记账式国债的新模式&银行柜台交易业务
Yet the paper takes it against the basic accounting principles-prudence relativity and reliability that the book value of the out-assets shall be replaced by the entry value of the in-assets. 但笔者认为用换出资产的账面价值作为换入资产的入账价值,与会计的基本原则谨慎性,相关性,可靠性不相适宜。